Friday, April 30, 2010

Muscle Fatigue-How to Blast Through the Dreaded Muscle Failure that "Hits" Us All

If you've been working out for any amount of time, you're probably well acquainted with fatigue—that sensation of your muscles being "done," "cooked," "toast"... You know, the "please have mercy before I'm permanently trapped under this weight," or "you might just have to drag me off the track because I've collapsed" feeling.

We typically use the term fatigue to describe general sensations of tiredness and the accompanying decreasing muscular performance. What this really means is we "hit the wall" and can no longer perform reps on a particular lift; we can no longer run any farther or harder; we can no longer produce the "optimal" output of muscular contractions as we did at the beginning of the set or workout.

What Is Muscle Fatigue?
Fatigue is a very complex phenomenon in which multiple sites fail during muscular work. The underlying causes of fatigue fall into one of two categories: central (neuromuscular—the mind/central nervous system) and local (peripheral—the actual muscle site).

The central nervous system (CNS) acts much like an automobile engine regulator. Most cars are made with a regulator that causes them to "shut down" when the engine revs too high for too long. This mechanism protects the engine from "over-heating." In the same way, our brains attempt to protect our muscles from tearing by reducing the rate nerve impulses are sent to our working muscles. In most cases, you'll experience central fatigue before local fatigue. In other words, when you think you simply can't do any more work because you're so fatigued, essentially what's happening is your mind is telling your body (muscles) to shut down. But in fact, you're probably able to continue for another couple of reps.

"...when you think you simply can't do any more work because you're so fatigued, essentially what's happening is your mind is telling your body (muscles) to shut down."Local fatigue is related to local factors that limit the ability to perform muscular work. These include the energy systems (ATP-CP, glycolysis, and oxidation); the accumulation of metabolic byproducts (such as lactic acid); and the failure of the muscle fiber's contractile mechanisms. The energy systems act much the same way as fuel in a car or a battery in a flashlight. However, humans are different in that we have three energy systems within the muscle's cells that are called upon at different times depending on the intensity and duration of an activity.

The first energy system is called the ATP-CP system and is called upon during extremely short and intense bouts of exercise (e.g., weight training, sprinting, and jumping). It works by repeatedly breaking down ATP (the basic currency of energy in the body) and rebuilding ATP using CP (creatine phosphate). During repeated maximal contractions, fatigue coincides with CP depletion.

The other two energy systems are called into play during exercises that last longer than 30 seconds. Known as anaerobic (or glycolytic) and aerobic (or oxidative), these energy systems are very dependent on the availability of glycogen (the stored form of glucose—sugar). As with CP use, the rate of glycogen depletion is controlled by the intensity (i.e., how hard you train) of the exercise.

During sprinting, for instance, muscle glycogen may be used 35 to 40 times faster than during walking. Glycogen depletion and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) limit performance in activities lasting longer than 30 minutes. Long-distance runners often speak of "bonking" or "hitting the wall." This refers to a perceived fatigue usually related to glycogen depletion. At this point, the body begins to use other forms of energy, such as fat and protein (which are not as efficient sources, thus making it harder to sustain energy levels).

During high-intensity anaerobic exercise, such as sprinting and weight training, our bodies produce metabolic byproducts such as lactic acid and CO2. As these accumulate in our bodies, our ability to maintain the duration and intensity of exercise diminishes. And, when they finally reach a point of saturation, our muscle capacity comes to a screeching halt. This is often referred to as the "burn," whereby the muscle feels like it's on fire—signaling you to stop.

Got all that? I realize it sounds like some fairly complex processes, which they are, so here are a few instances I'm sure you can relate to that will help clarify how these energy systems work in our bodies, and more importantly, how we can assist our bodies to increase their output and delay (or temporarily overcome) the onset of muscle fatigue.

How Can You Overcome Muscle Fatigue?
While we can't completely overcome muscle fatigue, we can certainly delay it. But, sometimes this delay can be the difference between sprinters winning or losing in competition or allow weight trainers to "push out" a few more reps (to produce new levels of strength and muscle gains). There are many strategies we can use to accomplish this goal, but here are a few I've found over the years to be particularly effective:

First, we must ensure your diet is optimized. Consuming an adequate amount and ratio of carbohydrates, fat, and protein is paramount. Typically, endurance athletes require more carbohydrates (anywhere between 40 and 60% carbs) than strength athletes but slightly less protein (from 30 to 35%); whereas strength trainers (weight lifters) or those who regularly participate in sporting activities should consume equal or greater amounts of protein to carbohydrates on a daily basis (about a 40:40 ratio of carbs to protein). In essence, carbs are to the body like fuel is to a car—they provide the necessary fuel to maintain or sustain energy levels during workouts.

A common mistake made by many athletes is the failure to stay well hydrated. I am not talking about drinking when you're thirsty (as you may know, thirst is a sign your body is already slightly dehydrated). The importance of being properly hydrated cannot be overlooked. Dehydration can lead to significant performance decrements, not to mention the risk of sickness and, in severe cases, death. Even a three to four percent drop in body water levels (signaled by thirst and fatigue) can decrease your muscular contractions by 10 to 20%. To combat this, at least 10 to 12 glasses (eight ounces each) of water (this doesn't count sodas, coffee, or juices) should be consumed daily—always including during and after events when your body is perspiring.

Adequate rest is very important for delaying premature fatigue. Inadequate rest during training (i.e., between sets) and between workouts can cause unnecessary fatigue. A great rule of thumb for resting time between sets is just long enough to catch your breath. Squats take a little longer to recover from (maybe two to three minutes) because you're training such a large muscle group. For smaller muscles, like biceps, you would need a much shorter rest—more like 45 to 60 seconds at most.
Another quick tip: recent research that studied the effects of enhancing recovery between sets showed that keeping intensity high after completed sets allowed weight trainers to perform more reps in later sets compared with those who passively recovered (sat) between sets. This means we need to keep moving during rest periods, so instead of sitting down to rest, walk around or go to another exercise for a different muscle group.

One of the most common (and fatal) errors I see with weight trainers, both beginner and advanced alike, is over-training. Trapped by our "more is better" mentality, many of us seem to think if we train longer, harder, and more often, we'll multiply our results. Nothing could be more detrimental to your efforts to put on muscle and gain strength than training muscle groups too frequently. In fact, over-training can significantly impede the body's ability to properly recover and rebuild itself. Only through enough rest (which includes proper sleep) and an adequate number of days in between training, will the body be able to recover and rebuild itself. The most common signs of over-training are lethargy, chronic fatigue, continued muscle soreness, insomnia, and a decrease in strength. If you sense any of these coming on, try taking off a day or two more in between training sessions and see how you feel.

"Trapped by our "more is better" mentality, many of us seem to think if we train longer, harder, and more often, we'll multiply our results."For adequate recovery times between workouts (of the same muscle group), consider this: the smaller the muscle group, the faster the recovery; the more intense (speed of workout), the longer the recovery; and the higher the volume (i.e., the number of reps) and lower the load (weight), the faster the recovery, and vice versa of course. In general, I normally suggest not training a muscle if it's still sore, and then once the tenderness subsides, I say give it another day on top of that.

There are many supplements that can help today's athlete postpone muscular fatigue. Endurance athletes may benefit greatly from carbohydrate/electrolyte beverages such as Revenge, Gatorade, Ultra Fuel, and a great new supplement called G-Push. These contain precise ratios of carbohydrates and electrolytes (vital salts and minerals) that can replace those lost during prolonged exercise, as well as enhance the body's ability to sustain long-term energy.

Nutritional stimulants such as caffeine (or its herbal counterpart guarana) can help delay fatigue for two reasons. First, it stimulates a cascade of hormones that cause a release of free-fatty acids into the bloodstream, causing the body to burn fat while sparing carbohydrates to use as energy. Second, it affects the CNS, thus postponing central fatigue and decreasing the perceived difficulty of the exercise.

However, if you can't handle the jittery, nervous-type feelings you get from stimulants (such as caffeine), you might give supplements like tyrosine or Ginkgo biloba a try. These supplements are not stimulants, so they do not affect your central nervous system (which causes the nervousness). Rather, they help increase your mental alertness and delay central fatigue (in the brain), thus helping to crank up your workout intensity.

And, let's not forget creatine monohydrate, which has been scientifically shown to aid short-duration, high-intensity exercise, such as weight training. It increases the body's creatine phosphate stores needed to replenish ATP, thus delaying the onset of glycolysis. In other words, creatine helps quickly replenish energy stores within the muscle cells, allowing you to work out longer and harder, which may lead to increased strength and muscle gains.

Last Words
So there you have it... there's nothing fancy here... but enough to get you through that next workout with a little more flare and pizzazz! With the information at hand, you're now armed with practical, safe, scientifically sound methods to overcome muscle fatigue, so you can train harder (possibly even longer) and become stronger, both mentally and physically—making every workout that much better.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Home Espresso Machine

The coffee craze has swept the nation! Starbucks are popping up on every street corner, in grocery stores, book shops, shopping malls, and even libraries. This coffee fever has spread to fast food restaurants, cafes, and restaurants, who are striving to provide their customers with a wider variety that black coffee in a Styrofoam cup. Since everyone is walking around sipping espressos, cappuccinos, lattes, macchiatos, and every other coffee creation in existence, it is no surprise that the coffee business if a booming enterprise. If your yearly coffee budget has left you aghast, consider alternatives to buying those tasty espresso fixes. Many individuals find that the purchase of a home espresso machine can save them enough to pay for the machine many times over.

You do not have to have professional barista training in order to run a home espresso machine, as most are incredibly simple to use with perfect results each and every time. Instead of running out and buying a fantastically expensive espresso machine that you think will provide you with the best results, consider researching the most appropriate machine for your specific needs. A simple search on the World Wide Web will provide you with a great variety of machines that are geared towards individuals with a wide variety of needs.

For those individuals with smaller kitchens or limited countertop space, the stovetop varieties of espresso machines may be the best option. These machines are not electric and work on the principle similar to that of a double boiler. Although these espresso pots are not equipped with an element that froths milk, they can produce a great cup of espresso nonetheless.

Another option that is quickly becoming more and more popular is a machine that runs off specially designed pods. These pods contain the coffee ingredients and are inserted into the machine and the espresso is brewed. Pod espresso machines have come onto the market in the last couple of years, but are just reaching the height of their popularity. Instead of hassling with grinding coffee beans or spilling ground coffee, these pods are mess and maintenance free. Also, many of the top name brand coffee producers are making pods with their signature blends, allowing you to enjoy the rich taste without the mess.

If you are interested in directly recreating the fantastic espressos produced in your favorite coffee shop, turn to a professional espresso machine made for commercial purposes. Although these machines are often the priciest, largest, and loudest machines on the market, they are the ultimate luxury for those individuals wanting espressos at home. However, keep in mind that you do not have to spend hundreds—or even thousands—of dollars on a top of the line espresso machine to make excellent espressos in the comfort of your own home.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Exercise And Proper Diet: Indispensable Ingredients Of Fitness And Healthy Living

For the past several years, there is hullabaloo on the need to be slim and sexy. Grocery shelves are filled with several food supplements and other products that promise certain health and wellness benefits. Home TV shopping channels also offer everything from slimming tea to herbal soap to 'instant abs' exercise gadgets. Gyms across the country are fast gaining members who are willing to sweat it out just to burn excess calories from mindless munching and eating. There is also an increasing number of vegetarianism and raw food diet converts who vow to trade juicy hamburgers for fresh vegetables and fruits. People who are stressed out dream of luxurious spa treatments, Thai and Swedish massages, and detoxification diets. All of a sudden, there's the need to attain fitness and healthy living. This desire can be attributed to man's realization that the world he is living in is too polluted and toxic. Fitness and healthy living seems to be man's only hope in staying sane and sound in this otherwise hostile world.

If one wishes to achieve fitness and healthy living, he should go for 'holistic' approach. A person who wants to have super-fit body goes to the gym a lot and sticks to rigorous exercise routines. There's nothing seemingly wrong with this but he should also see to it he is eating the right kinds of food. It is not enough to be physically fit outside; one has to strive to be internally and externally healthy. Body builders have to follow specific diets appropriate for his physical needs. It is a must to consult personal trainers who can prescribe a proper workout routine and the corresponding diet needed for such routine. Furthermore, people with weight problems should not only focus on improving their diet. Overweight and obese people also need to regularly exercise. One sure way to improve one's health condition is through exercising and eating wisely. A person should consider these two key aspects as a two-in-one package.

Fitness and healthy living cannot be attained without the exercise of one's will. An overweight person cannot be fit and healthy just be watching TV all day and expecting to wake up slim the next morning. Fitness and healthy living requires a lot of effort and involves many decision-making opportunities. One must be really determined to improve his diet and religiously follow exercise routines to be able to resist temptations that may go along the way. Sometimes, it is too tempting to pig out a little more often and to just watch movies at home instead of exercising and eating good food. But if a person firmly decided to be slim and sexy, he should be willing to let go of life's needless pleasures.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans: A Fun Snack

Most people have some form of sweet tooth, and many also like the taste and smell of a fresh cup of coffee. Though the tastes of sweets and that of coffee are very different, they make a great match, since sugar helps to offset the slightly acidic bitterness of coffee. One of the best examples of this is the great taste of chocolate covered coffee beans. If you’re a coffee lover, a chocolate lover, or both, chocolate covered coffee beans make a great snack.

A Marriage of Flavors

Chocolate and coffee work well together, so much that some chocolates in Europe will have recommended servings that include serving with coffee, particularly dark chocolates. However, any kind of chocolate can make great chocolate covered coffee beans, even white chocolate. This sweet, crunchy snack gives you the mellow flavor of one of the favorite candies in the world with the tang and aroma of coffee. And even better, this is a snack with kick, since you’ll get a little caffeine rush from eating chocolate covered coffee beans.

Making Your Own

Some people are serious enough about their coffee to buy their own beans and grind them. If you’re serious about your coffee, then you can be just as serious about your chocolate covered coffee beans. By purchasing your own beans and chocolate, you’re guaranteed a quality product.

Making this great snack food is a snap; all you need is a pot to carefully melt the chocolate in, and some sort of device, whether a fork or a strainer, to remove the beans. Once the chocolate is melted, simply place the beans in the pot to coat, and then remove with the fork. Set on wax paper to harden overnight, and you’ll have a great snack that you made from scratch.

Buying Beans

The selection of coffee beans can be important in the making of chocolate covered coffee beans. You want to buy a medium or dark roast, since a light roast will simply be too acidic for chocolate covered coffee beans. This is one reason why chocolate covered espresso beans are a popular sell, since it’s a very dark roast.

You can bring out interesting flavor combinations with your chocolate covered coffee beans by purchasing flavored beans. Usually considered inferior by aficionados for creating a brew, they can add an extra kick to chocolate covered coffee beans. Give making this sweet, crunchy, snack a try and you’re sure to get hooked!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Naked Minerals, the makeup that is actually good for your skin

In a time where citizens are inundated with media articles and press reports describing the decline of air and water quality, educated consumers search to find products that provide safer, healthier advantages over conventional wisdom. Organic produce and all natural products tout the benefits of chemical-free lifestyles while still maintaining consistent quality. Although many of these products can be found in grocery stores and specialty food markets, few have found their way into the cosmetic aisle. Naked Minerals provides all the benefits of traditional cosmetics while improving skin quality with healthy, all natural ingredients.

Naked Minerals has only begun to find its place among quality, natural cosmetics and it will only continue to grow. Like other mineral makeup, Naked Minerals uses pulverized minerals and rocks to create a light powder that floats on the skin, creating a lightweight, natural look and feel. Since the powder in Naked Mineral cosmetics contains no additives, fillers, or binders, nothing is absorbed into the skin and pores are left open to let the skin breath. Because of this, Naked Minerals does not weigh down skin or look heavy. Instead, the minerals allow skin to regenerate and heal, providing a healthy atmosphere for cell development.

The natural ingredients in Naked Minerals provides an all-natural protective barrier against damaging sunlight while improving skin quality. The light layer of powder provides SPF 15 protection without the use of damaging chemicals. By floating on the skin, the minerals and mica protects the skin from ultraviolet sunlight while reflecting light in such a way that produces a look of radiance. This glow is a result of both light reflection and healthier skin. In addition to floating on the skin and allowing air circulation through the pores, Naked Minerals makeup contains skin-conditioning vitamin E and will not clog skin or flare acne. In fact, by allowing skin to breath while reducing the appearance of acne, Naked Minerals cosmetics creates an atmosphere in which blemishes can heal. Traditional pimple medicine and treatment clogs pores and increases oil production, causing even greater skin problems. Naked Minerals reduces the appearance of these blemishes while providing healthier skin conditions to promote healing.

Naked Minerals also provides relief from common skin conditions such as Rosacea, brown spots, dark circles, and sunburn. Not only will these natural cosmetics protect skin from continued sun abuse, but the minerals and powders even out skin tones, providing balanced color throughout the face. Naked Minerals skin products combine light reflecting powders that diffuse light around dark areas and create the appearance of smoother, younger skin while promoting healthier skin with each use. The versatility of each product provides a wide range of cosmetic use and skin protection in one small package. These products provide the radiant look while still maintaining healthy and natural beauty.

Friday, April 23, 2010

eep Your Blood Sugar Level Under Control

Controlling blood sugar (glucose) levels is one of the most important aspects of diabetes management. It will make you feel better in the short-term and it will help you to stay fit and healthy in the long term.

The National Committee on Prevention Detection Evaluation, the chromium and many interesting articles. People who do not have diabetes keep their blood glucose levels within a narrow range for most of the time. The beta cells in the pancreas are able to produce just the right amount of insulin at the right time and they are constantly fine-tuning the blood glucose level. People with diabetes do not have this fine control over their blood glucose levels.

This might be because the beta cells have been destroyed and there is no insulin production at all, as in Type 1 diabetes. Alternatively, it may be that the body does not respond to the insulin and/or not enough insulin is produced when it is needed, as in Type 2 diabetes. The approach to managing Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes is slightly different, but whichever type of diabetes you have, you will still need to step in and take over that fine-tuning of your blood glucose level.

Controlling blood glucose levels is a bit like trying to lasso an unruly animal. Blood glucose is dynamic; it changes constantly and it is influenced by a host of factors including your choice of food, how much you eat, the timing of your medication or insulin, your emotions, illnesses, your weight, and your body's resistance to insulin.

Some of these factors are relatively constant from day to day and are quite easily accounted for; some factors are more variable. No two days are ever exactly the same, or entirely predictable, and this makes it difficult. So, blood glucose is not easily lassoed.

In practical terms, you will need to learn about those things that raise your blood glucose level and those things that lower your blood glucose level. Then you will need to balance these factors on a day-to-day and possibly even hour-by-hour basis. This means coordinating medication, food and activity levels, whilst making appropriate allowances for stress, illness or changes in your daily activities.

You will be aiming to avoid the extreme highs and lows, trying to manipulate your blood glucose toward the normal range. You will be doing regular finger-prick blood glucose tests and using these results to help balance those things that make your blood glucose rise with those that make it fall. When you have evened out your blood glucose level you will still need to keep an eye on it and continue to make adjustments.

Controlling blood glucose is a continuous process and it will require your attention from now on, for the rest of your life. Don’t worry! It may sound daunting to you right now, but it will soon become second nature.

People who do not have diabetes have blood glucose levels between 4 and 8 mmol/l for most of the time. In general, people with diabetes should try to aim for test results between 4 and 10 mmol/l most of the time. Some people – pregnant women, for example – will need to aim for tighter control. Other people – young children, the elderly, or those at risk of severe hypoglycemia, for example – will need to aim for higher levels.

Your diabetes team will give you individual guidance on the blood glucose levels that you should be aiming for.

In the short term, controlling blood glucose levels is important in order to avoid diabetic emergencies – very high or very low blood glucose levels. Both of these conditions are unpleasant and can be dangerous, so they should be avoided if at all possible.

High blood glucose levels in Type 1 diabetes, if caused by a lack of insulin, can lead to a condition known as diabetic ketoacidosis or ‘DKA’ which can be fatal if it is not treated in time.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Using Rhubarb for Constipation

Vegetables like fruits and their juices have healing properties because of the fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals they have. For constipation, vegetables are an excellent source of minerals and fiber. In addition there are specific vegetables and their juices that stimulate the colon become more active.

The benefits of Vegetables

Juices are absorbed quickly into your bloodstream. As a result, your cells are provided quickly with nutrients that feed them and that wash away waste. Juices give you the opportunity to get quick relief from various body conditions such as constipation. Juices move into your colon quickly to cleanse it and to activate peristaltic action.

Eating and drinking vegetables and their juices provide you with minerals and nutrients that build your blood, tissue, bones, and cells. It is minerals that build every part of your body. It is minerals that keep your body’s pH at the required level. It is minerals that keep your body alkaline by neutralizing body acids.

It is minerals that build your colon wall tissues and cells so your colon can perform those activities that prevent constipation.

Keep in mind that some natural recipes for clearing constipation require drinking vegetable juices that are bitter or have a strong taste. As you will find, some of the vegetable juices taste good and some don’t. Remember you are dealing with a condition that needs clearing and that what you drink for this is not for pleasure.

As you drink some of these vegetable juices, you may find that you like certain ones and these can become your regular daily or weekly drink.

James A. Duke, PhD, in his book, The Green Pharmacy, gives the following constipation remedy using rhubarb,

“Rhubarb has strong laxative action so it is best to use it with other juices. Here’s how you can use this herb. Blend together three stalks of rhubarb, without leaves, 1 cup of fresh apple juice, and one quart of peeled lemons and one tablespoon of honey or maple syrup. This tart drink will help you with your constipation. Drink one glass three times a day.”

A smaller quantity of this rhubarb drink would be,

Blend three stalks of rhubarb, ¼ - ½ peeled lemon, a teaspoon of maple syrup, and ¾ cup of fresh organic apple juice. You may add more syrup if the taste if to harsh for you. Don’t use rhubarb leaves since they contain toxic chemicals.

Use rhubarb only raw since it is high in oxalic acid. Use it sparingly and do not cook it. Cooking converts the organic oxalic acid into inorganic oxalic acid. The body does not easily absorb inorganic oxalic and it forms crystal deposits in the kidney and throughout the body.

If you have arthritis or gout, do not use rhubarb.

In other articles, I will be discussing the use of other vegetables that provide good constipation relief.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Skin Care Treatment In Your Refridgerator

When it comes to skin treatment, there are few things more satisfyingly exquisite than a pampering facial. A facial mask can help you relax and rejuvenate at the end of the day, or can mark the transition from a stressful week of work to a weekend full of fun. However, a facial skin treatment at an upscale spa can cost upwards of a hundred dollars, and being worried about the impact on your wallet can take the relaxation right out of a facial.

Luckily, it is possible to whip up your own moisturizing facial mask at home with ingredients that you probably have in your kitchen right now. Making your own skin treatment at home can help you get the feeling of upscale luxury without paying top dollar.

The easiest and perhaps most classic skin treatment involves a single, skin nourishing ingredient: pure honey. To open your pores, drape a warm washcloth over your face for about thirty seconds; then apply a thin layer of honey over the surface of your cheeks, chin, forehead, and any other places that could benefit from an additional infusion of revitalizing moisture.

Lie down and relax for ten to fifteen minutes while the honey penetrates your skin and replenishes it with moisture; then gently wipe the honey away with lukewarm water and a washcloth. Splash your face with cool water to snap your pores shut, then pat your face dry gently to seal in the moisture. This simple skin treatment lets you put your best face forward, and can help you give an average day a very special feeling.

Oatmeal makes for another simple skin treatment that is ideal for problem skin. If you suffer from breakouts or sometimes have trouble controlling an oily shine, an oatmeal mask can help pull the excess oil from your face without drying out your skin. This mask will gives you with a healthy, matte complexion that is sure to leave you smiling. Simply mix a bit of water into pure rolled oats to create a thick, moist paste.

To open your pores before applying the mask, fill a bowl with hot water and lean over it face first, with a towel draped over the back of your head to create a kind of steam tent. For an extra luxurious scent, add a tablespoon of your favorite herb, like peppermint or rosemary, to the water. Breathe deeply for five to ten minutes, allowing the steam to penetrate the surface of your face.

Then, wipe away the moisture on your face with your towel and, using your fingertips, gently apply a thin layer of the oatmeal paste all over your face. Wait for the oatmeal to dry and harden, a process that usually takes between ten and fifteen minutes; then wipe it away with a damp, lukewarm washcloth. Pat your face dry, and enjoy the results of your exquisite homemade skin treatment.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Wrap Your "Claws" Around This-Tips On How To Eat A Lobster

For the ultimate seafood experience, it's tough to top the sweet flavor of a tender lobster.

Here are some succulent suggestions from the experts at Red Lobster on easy ways to crack and eat this delectable dish.

Step 1: Where to begin? The claws, with meat that is tender and flavorful, are generally the best place to start. After removing the two front claws, use a nutcracker to crack them open and a lobster fork to remove the meat.

Step 2: The tail meat is considered the sweetest part of the lobster. Turn the lobster on its back, holding the body with one hand and the tail with the other. Gently twist the tail to detach it. Remove the end flippers. Using a fork, you can then pull out the juicy meat.

Step 3: There's plenty of meat in the body of the lobster. Flip it over and unhinge the back by cracking it apart lengthwise and pull out the tasty meat with a pick. The greenish-gray tomalley in the body cavity is considered a delicacy (the sand sac near the top of the lobster is not edible, though).

Step 4: The last step is enjoying the meat in the legs. The meat here is delicious and can be sucked out like a straw.

Whether you enjoy lobster "as is" or prefer dipping it into melted butter or a savory sauce, this deep-sea delight can be a dining experience like no other. Plus, it's a low-calorie, low-fat source of protein: 3.5 ounces of lobster meat has only about 96 calories and less than 2 grams of fat, according to the seafood specialists.

Succulent and good for you-how many foods can you say that about?

White Barbecue Sauce - Sweet, Sour, Tickling and Tangy

BBQ sauce is generally a basic mixture of tomatoes, sugar and vinegar. Tomatoes used can be in various forms such as tomato sauce, paste, puree and even ketchup. Sugar adds sweetness to the barbecue sauce and can either be corn syrup, honey or molasses. The addition of vinegar, on the other hand, lends a sour flavor to the bbq sauce and can be in the form of beer, white or flavored vinegar, wine or citrus juices. In general, bbq sauces can be used throughout the barbecue process from preparation to cooking.

Bechamel sauce or White Barbecue Sauce has a long and illustrious history. It has been a pet of the French food connoisseurs, since 1651. One of the mother sauces of French cuisine, the white sauce is nowadays made by whisking scalded milk gradually into a white flour-butter roux. However, it can also be made by whisking a kneaded flour-butter beurre manié into scalded milk. The thickness of the final sauce depends on the proportions of milk and flour. White Barbecue sauce, unquestionably adds a delicate flavoring to your meat dishes.

White Barbecue Sauces of Alabama are different from most other barbecue sauces in the use of their bases. These sauces are predominantly mayonnaise based, unlike the traditional and ubiquitous tomato. Chicken, turkey or pork - these white sauces are taste uppers beyond imagination. Like its tomato- and mustard-based cousins, white barbecue sauce comes in shades ranging from porcelain to putty. There are also differences in consistency. Some sauces flow like fat free milk, while others are more reminiscent of a creamy dressing. As for the ingredients, well, purists such as Myra Grissom, owner of Miss Myra's Pit Bar-B-Q in Birmingham, insists there are only four items who play the role: mayonnaise, vinegar, salt, and coarsely ground pepper. Perking up salads or topping pulled pork sandwiches or grilled fish whatever you are up to these sauces are great.

Smuggler's Run White Grilling Sauce and Big Bob Gibson White BBQ sauce are sauces that can be recommended, without any hesitation. Mayonnaise, Egg Yolks, Water, Corn Syrup, Vinegar, Salt, Spices, Calcium Disodium, Cider Vinegar, Onion, Garlic, White Pepper, Salt and Xanthium Gum are what goes into the making of this taste bud rocker.

Big Bob Gibson White BBQ sauce comprises distilled vinegar, sugar, salt, spices, egg yolks, mustard flour, paprika and garlic. Poultry, pork, seafood, and wild game-Big Bob, goes with them comfortably enough.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Whole Truth About Acne Scar Removal

Do you avoid mirrors and hide your face because of ugly acne scars? Acne is a common problem among people of all ages, especially teenagers. Perhaps your skin has cleared up and you are left with embarrassing scars that you don't know how to get rid of. It could effect you psychologically as well as emotionally. Luckily for you, there are various treatments for acne scar removal.

The first step you should take in this process is to consult a dermatologist. Acne scar removal procedures have become very common. Remember when choosing a method of removal, consider the condition of your skin. If you have sensitive skin you should try the least abrasive procedure available. Acne scar removal is the key to regaining smooth and healthy looking skin.

Some acne scar removal options are dermabrasion, collagen injections, steroid injections, laser treatment, radiotherapy, or chemical peels. Some treatments may not completely remove all scars but the appearance of most of them will lessen dramatically. Your doctor's recommendation toward a certain procedure depends on the type and severity of the scarring.

Dermabrasion is a procedure done under local anesthetic in which the doctor will remove the top layers of skin with a sanding instrument. It is one of the most effective treatments available for facial scar removal. It is not recommended for people with darker skin because it could reveal lighter layers of skin, which could cause another problem with your appearance.

Collagen injections are a less permanent solution to acne scars. They generally last from 3-6 months and require future injections to maintain their effect.

Steroid injections are a long term treatment for acne scar removal. The side effects of this procedure are minimal, but there is a chance that the scars will still remain visible.

Laser treatment is still in an experimental phase. The use of a vasecular laser may fade the color of scars. A carbon dioxide laser may flatten scars and resurface the skin, however this effect is not definite. This procedure is not recommended due to the uncertainty in the safety of the treatment.

Radiotherapy is a controversial treatment and is only recommended for extreme cases. It is used to prevent the reoccurrence of severe scarring. The long-term side effects, even in the small doses of this treatment, is the risk of cancer induced by radiation.

A chemical peel is a minor form of surgery that can be done by a cosmetologist. This is usually the solution to getting rid of minor scarring. A layer of skin is removed by the application of chemicals. Afterwards, a new layer of skin can form and reduce your scars.

For some people, more than one type of treatment is necessary for the best outcome. Each person's face and skin are different and it is necessary to research these and other procedures available for you. Realistically, some people may not get rid of the appearance of scars completely.

Choosing the right dermatologist is as important as choosing your treatment. Qualifications and experience are key factors to look at. You can read about a dermatologist in any area online ( Acne scar removal can get expensive so you shouldn't rush to give your money to just anyone. A good doctor will work closely with you to get your skin appearing as clear and smooth as possible.

The Truth About Acne Skin Care

Let's face it, you are engaged in an ongoing battle when you are afflicted with acne. While acne treatments for a mild case of acne are usually successful, moderate acne is a greater problem. Even dermatologists cannot cure a severe case of acne but can only provide an acne treatment regimen.

However, you can support your acne treatment efforts with proper acne skin care in order to reduce the recurrence of acne flare-ups and not aggravate existing acne.

Knowing What You're Doing

One of the first pieces of advice is to make sure that you understand and follow the directions for any acne remedy that you are using. If you are taking a prescription acne medicine, read the patient leaflet that accompanies the medication carefully. Typically for moderate to severe acne a dermatologist may prescribe several acne medicines, each with its own treatment protocol and directions.

In order to achieve the acne free skin that you desire, it is important to use all the acne treatments properly and in the correct order. Consider bringing a tablet of paper, a pen, and a friend or relative with you to your appointment with your dermatologist. Simply jot down some notes about the order and time of day for applying each acne medicine and what its purpose is.

Remember, just because the acne clears with the use of your acne medicines doesn’t necessarily mean that you have succeeded in curing acne. Most people with moderate to severe acne must continue to use their acne medicine long-term to prevent any recurrence of their acne problem. Using the acne treatments properly should translate to clear skin and freedom from acne scars.

What About Over-the-Counter Remedies?

Besides using medications prescribed by a doctor, there are a large number of products on the market labeled as skin cleansers, facial cleansers, pore cleansers, and facial pore cleaners that can be used in curing acne.

When cleansing skin that is afflicted with acne, an important point to remember is not to scrub the skin; never scrub your face with a washcloth. It is a misconception that acne is caused by dirt clogging the pores of the skin. You don’t scrub away the offending dirt; you can’t scrub away the offensive acne and achieve acne free skin.

Over-washing or scrubbing skin afflicted with acne only serves to aggravate the condition. Rather use only a gentle skin cleanser, lukewarm water, and a gentle motion with your fingertips as your primary acne skin care regime. When you wash your face with your hands, be sure to first thoroughly wash your hands.

Do Natural Treatments Really Work?

Look for gentle cleansers that are sold as acne solutions. When you're evaluating skin cleansers for acne, include natural acne treatments in your search as well. For example, a soap made from Echinacea and other herbal ingredients is an effective antibiotic facial cleanser that helps fight acne and restore clear skin. Tea tree oil also has known antibiotic properties and serves as a mild anesthetic that will soothe the irritated skin.

Oily skin is implicated as a one of the causes of acne. It doesn’t necessarily make sense to use a moisturizer on oily skin as a means of achieving clear skin. But many of the acne treatments, whether they are prescribed or available as over-the-counter products, have a tendency to irritate the skin while curing acne.

A moisturizer is a boost to irritated skin and keeps skin from becoming overly dry due to the acne treatments that have been applied. Look for a moisturizer with the following properties:

- oil-free
- won’t clog pores (non-comodogenic)
- containing a sun-screen

Besides a great desire to just scrub away the acne, many people try to remove the acne pimples by hand as a way to get clear skin. People who are afflicted with acne should avoid touching their face except to gently wash it with mild cleanser as already discussed.

By trying to remove pimples by hand you run the risk of creating acne scars that will last for a lifetime. Instead, have patience and rely on your prescription or over-the-counter acne treatment to work. Acne remedies usually take 6 to 8 weeks before curing acne.

For male acne sufferers, the daily ritual of shaving can be a problem. One acne sufferer has recommended the Gillette Sensor Excel as a gentle and effective razor to use. Other males prefer to try an electric razor. The advice is to shave delicately to avoid nicking the skin and to shave only as often as necessary. Finding a moisturizing shave gel may be one way to enhance your acne skin care program.

Female acne sufferers have their unique problems too, in finding the right cosmetic products to use. Females who are accustomed to using a foundation product may find that the foundation is difficult to apply smoothly if the facial skin becomes irritated due to the acne treatments being applied.

You may have to abandon the use of some cosmetics during the acne treatment period. Be sure to select only oil-free cosmetics and ones that are labeled as non-comodogenic (won’t clog pores) to use on your road to clear skin.

Proper acne skin care is a necessary addition to your arsenal for fighting your battle with acne and achieving clear skin once again.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Body’s Energy Centers

Eastern philosophy and medicine, originating in ancient India and China, have traditionally regarded body structures and the life processes occurring within as inseparable. Their terminology resides halfway between structure and function and identifies certain entities in the human body, representing the flow of life energy and, in some sense, conduits for that flow that do not correspond to anatomical structures recognized by Western science and medicine. The chakras are the energy centers in a person’s biological field and are responsible for his or her physiological and psychological condition as well as certain groups of organs. All vital functions of the human body are determined by energy that spins in the chakras. These can be defined as “whirlpools referred,” and in Indian, they are considered ”energy bursts” or “wheels.”

The process of energy transformation happens exactly in these centers. Vital energy, along with blood, circulates around the meridians in the chakras and fuels all organs and systems in the human body. When the circulation in these meridians stagnates, the human body becomes susceptible to various disorders. An excellent preventative method, designed explicitly to battle such stagnation is Chi Gun, an ancient Chinese method for self-healing which activates the energy centers. Chi Gun teaches people to release the energy themselves by massaging specific areas corresponding to the different chakras.

There are 49 chakras mentioned in the Vedic Canons, seven of which are basic; 21 are in the second circle, and 21 in the third circle. According to the Vedis, there are multiple energy channels leading to different locations from the chakras. Three of these channels are basic. The first one, called “shushumna,” is hollow and is concentrated in the spine. The other two energy pathways, “ida” and “pingala”, are located on either side of the spine. These two channels are the most active in most people, while “shushumna” remains stagnant.

The seven basic chakras spin at high speeds in the body of healthy individuals but slow down in times of sickness or with advancing age. When the body is in a harmonious balance, the chakras remain partially open. Closed chakras are unable to receive energy, leading to various disorders.

The first basic chakra, “Muladhara,” is located at the base of the spine in the tailbone area. Life energy, which is at the core of a strong and healthy immune system, is stored in this chakra. It is impossible for a person to become sick, old or even to die, before exhausting his or her reserves of this vital energy. The very will for life is controlled by Muladhara. It is also in charge of the bones and joints, the teeth, the nails, the urinogenital system and the large intestine. The first symptoms of a malfunctioning Muladhara are unreasonable fear, faintness, lack of security or faith in the future, leg and foot problems, and intestinal disorders.

The interrupted activity of the Muladhara chakra causes lack of energy, digestive problems, diseases of the bones and spine, and nervous tension among others.
The second chakra, “Svadhistana,” is located at the level of the sacrum, three or four fingers below the belly button. This chakra regulates the pelvis, the kidneys and sexual functions. We also feel other peoples’ emotions through this chakra. Symptoms of a malfunctioning “Svadhistana” are kidney problems, cystitis and arthritis.

The third chakra, “Manipura,” is found in the solar plexus area. This chakra is the center for storing and distributing energy produced by digestion and breathing. It is responsible for vision, the gastrointestinal system, the liver, the gall bladder, the pancreas and nervous system. Symptoms of a stagnant “Manipura” are as follows: increased and constant worrying, as well as stomach, liver and nervous disorders.

The fourth chakra, “Anahata,” also called the heart chakra, is located in the chest area. We generate and receive love through this chakra. It is in charge of the heart, the lungs, the bronchi, the hands and the arms. Symptoms of stagnation include depression and cardiovascular imbalances.

The fifth chakra, “Vishudha,” is located at the throat level and is the center of analytical skills and logic. This chakra sustains the skin, organs of hearing, along with the trachea and lungs. Symptoms include a lack of emotional stability, discomfort in the cervical spine, soar throats, difficulties communicating, and esophagus and thyroid ailments.

The sixth chakra, “Adjna,” is located between the eyebrows and is called the “third eye.” Here is the throne for the human brain. “Adjna” circulates energy to the head and pituitary gland and is also responsible for determining our harmonious development. If a person’s “third eye” ceases to function properly, one might notice a decrease in intellectual ability, headaches and migraines, earaches, olfactory illnesses, and psychological disorders.

The seventh chakra, “Sahasrara,” is found at the very top of the head and represents the apex where an individual’s energy vibrates with the highest frequency. It is considered a spiritual center and the entrance to the body for cosmic energy. A stagnant “Sahasrara” can result in a decrease in or lack of inner wisdom, as well as a lack of basic intuition.

With this basic knowledge of the first seven chakras, we can address the question: “How do we use this information to locate the causes of our troubles and problems, and with the help of Eastern Medicine, learn to control the functions of the chakras ourselves?”.

From the perspective of Eastern Medicine, our health depends on the distribution of our energy-consciousness informational field. A shortage of energy inevitably causes ailments. According to Tibetan Medicine, the only difference between youth and old age, and between a sick and healthy individual, is the difference in the rotating speed of the whirlpool energy centers of the chakras. If these different speeds are balanced, old people will rejuvenate and sick people will heal. Therefore, the best way to preserve and keep our health, youth and vitality is to restore and maintain a balanced movement of the energy centers.

The easiest way to keep the chakras balanced is through a set of physical exercises. Yannis called these not simply exercises, but rituals. These rituals allow the human body to mold its energy centers to an ideal level of function. The seven rituals, one for each chakra, must be performed together every morning and when not possible, in the evening. Skipping rituals unbalances energy distribution, and so for the best results, no more than one day per week should be missed. The daily chakra rituals are necessary not only for revitalizing the body, but also for achieving success in every facet of life. “Once you learn how to transform your energy, you will also become happier,” concluded Yannis.

For learning these rituals (which have transformed many peoples’ lives throughout the world), seeing them in action is much more effective than trying to follow written descriptions or diagrams. A DVD, available from Helix 7, Inc. (, includes actual demonstrations of these rituals.

Another method of keeping the chakras balanced and in their optimal half-open state is meditation. Meditative methods are universal to the human experience; they have accumulated over the ages through many different cultures and have proven their value in attaining peace, clarity, equanimity and in transcending despair. People who meditate on a regular basis are usually calmer, more secure, more joyful and more productive human beings. They are more effective in their everyday lives because they use their mental and physical potential, abilities and skills to their fullest extent. All too often, we humans fail to realize the great latent powers which are, as yet, unawakened in our bodies. We must learn how to revive and utilize them. This can only be achieved through meditation. Eastern men of wisdom, who believed meditation to be a vital necessity, stumbled on this discovery more than 1000 years ago. They learned to influence their inner organs and control their metabolism with the power of their minds. Meditation is to the mind what exercise is to the body; mental strength can be built up just like physical strength. Just as in athletics, it is important for an individual to train his or her body, it is important for an individual to train his or her mind through meditation.

The best time for meditation is early morning, preferably at dawn. Do not meditate when you are sad, aggravated, desperate or sick, because these intense emotional and physiological distractions make an enlightened state of mind impossible. For an effective meditation session, it is preferable to arrange for the undistracted silence of a quiet, clean room with flowers, or the soothing sounds of Mother Nature - near a lake, river, waterfall, woods or fields. Many different mental practices, having their origin in historical traditions, fall under the general heading of "meditation." These paths of mental development can involve emotional and intellectual facets and may also be coordinated with specific movements. Meditation can be structured or unstructured, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer writes in his book Real Magic, “The process of meditation is nothing more than quietly going within and discovering that higher component of yourself … Learning to meditate is learning how to live rather than talking about it…”

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Aesthetic Appeal

A backyard fish pond offers a aesthetic addition to
your landscapes. Installing projects such as these
will offer tranquility and relaxation to the whole
family as well. However, building, constructing, and
taking care of ponds are not as easy as you think.
Much effort, planning, and money must go into these.
It is important that you think things through before
deciding on installing your very own back yard fish

Building fish ponds are not as simple as installing it
and letting it go afterwards. It is a consistent and
constant endeavor, much like a hobby. Maintenance
should be done periodically. Following some of these
guidelines may aid you in installing a do it yourself
backyard fish pond.

First Tip: Utilize a plastic fish pond liner for your

In separating the fish pond from the surrounding soil,
it is better to use a plastic liner (PVC liners work
best). It prevents the escape of the aquatic plants,
fishes, and other pond contents from the fish pond. In
accordance to this, it also prevents the entry of
nutrients from the soil or other non pond materials.
This will make maintenance and cleaning easier since
you will only have to deal with the mess and dirt of
the pond itself and the fish that live there.

In building the pond of your preferred size, pond
liners are the option to choose. Usually, they are
utilized for large ponds that do not have pre-formed
sizes available.

However, it is imperative that you choose the right
size of the pond liner. Pond lines or liners are used
for any size of pond. The sizes available for this
kind of pond is 10’ x 15’ to 20’ x 25’ or larger. This
can allow you to build a pond to your preferred size
either by using them individually or by connecting
together two or more pond liners with an adhesive
especially made for this material.

A cement pond liner will also do, however, this option
is more expensive and may require extra labor in

Second Tip: Avoid low lying areas.

Installing you fish pond in an area where runoff water
from your lawn flows is one big no-no. This runoff
water will only accumulate in your fish pond, causing
it to overflow and become dirty as well. This is one
of the common mistakes of do-it-yourself pond
projects. Maintaining a fish pond is difficult enough
without excess dirty water coming from your lawn.

On the contrary, installing the pond in an area a
little above the ground or in high parts of the lawn
will prove to be easier to maintain.

Third Tip: Provide sufficient sunlight.

This means that placing the pond in shady areas will
not enhance the growth of the aquatic life. On the
other hand, placing it in an area where too much sun
shines will just cause them to die. Place your pond
where there is enough sunlight to seep through. Most
aquatic plants need sunlight to grow, but some do not.
Research on what plants suit your weather best.

Fourth Tip: Water your plants.

Adding a variety of aquatic plants may decrease the
excess nutrients in the pond. They will also hamper
algae growth that makes the pond murky and dirty.

Consulting your local pond professional is also an
option. Not only will they provide advices to make
your project work, they may also make your work easier
to do.


Water gardens and backyard ponds are for butterflies,
frogs, birds, fish, you, and the whole family. These
ponds may be small, may even be no larger than 3 to 4
feet in diameter. These may be built in patio
containers and barrels. Drawing wildlife in your
backyard may be done by adding water gardens and
ponds. These will not only provide enjoyment and
interest but also a natural and relaxing environment
as well.

A fish pond in your backyard may become the focal
point of your backyard conversation. So spice it up
with this tips and techniques.

Where to Put Up a Backyard Pond

Place your fish pond in a place where you can best
view it from, whether from a deck or the patio. Make
it coincide with the natural surroundings. Do not
place the pond where the sun can overheat it. Nestle
it in a shaded place but not under the trees.


It is best to slightly elevate the soil surrounding
the pond so that excess water will not enter into it.
Plan the drainage system of the pond, making sure that
it draws the water away from your house.

Landscaping the surroundings around your pond will
provide a natural dwelling place for birds and frogs
that need water and land. Make sure that electricity
is available if you plan to use lights, filters, or a
water re-circulating device.

Do not place the pond under the trees to avoid fallen
leaves into the pond. This technique will also provide
less maintenance to the pond. Expose the pond to
sufficient sunlight only since some aquatic plats grow
well in full sun and others do not.

Using Pond Liners

Pond liners are used to keep water from leaking into
the soil. It is almost always necessary for ponds even
if it they are situated in clay soils. Pond liners
come in different shapes and sizes. They even include
built in waterfalls or any design based on your
preferences. They are durable and convenient.

Consider a polyvinyl chloride liner (PVC liner) in
building larger ponds. In determining the size of the
PVC, you have to know the maximum length, width, and
depth of the pond. After which, multiply the maximum
depth by 3. Add the answer to the width and the
length. Now you have enough PVC to securely hold down
the pond edges.

Pond liners come in different thickness as well. The
thicker the pond liner, the more resistant it is to
punctures. Cement may be considered an optional pool
liner. However, it requires more expertise to install
and it may cost more than the regular plastic pond

However, considering that many ponds are quite small,
other plastics may be used. It may be cheaper but many
may break down easily once prolonged exposure to
ultraviolet light happens. Some plastics also may
prove to be toxic to fish.

Pond Installation

Time your pond building when the ground is not overly
wet or frozen. Dig the hole according to the right
depth and place (and secure) the pond liner. Then
landscape the pond surroundings. Remove any rocks from
the surrounding area. Add water, plants, and a pump.
Let the pond sit for a few days before adding plants
and fish. Let the plants settle for at least one week
before placing the fish.

Then sit back and enjoy your backyard fish pond!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Repowering Your Jacobsen Greens King IV Mower

Small engine vehicles have been revitalized and revamped over the last several years. Golf carts and hauling vehicles once innovative in the 1980s were still able to be improved upon in the areas of design, steering mechanism, vehicle weight and basic functionality. Mowers, however, have remained constant in their design and mechanics for quite some time. The single biggest area of improvement for golf course and large area mowers is in the engine. Recent small engine mechanics innovation has allowed designers to create more powerful, easier to maintain, and more efficient engines for these pieces of equipment. Though older model mowers may have quality engines that are still getting the job done, many landscapers or greens keepers may find that the engine does not provide the power or efficiency that a newer vehicle could. Buying a new mower in order to get the power of a modern small engine is not necessary if you consider repowering the vehicle instead.

What Is Repowering?

Repowering a small engine refers to installing a newer rebuilt engine into an existing vehicle in order to improve its performance and save on buying a brand new vehicle or motor. By repowering, a landscapers or golf course maintenance crew gets more than just swapping out an old engine for the same rebuilt model engine. Rather, a repower kit swaps out an old engine for a newer, better engine model built with the latest technology. Repowering results in a better small engine in a vehicle for the fraction of the price of buying a new one.

I Already Have A Quality Engine

If you are a smart consumer, you have already bought a large mower from a reputable brand that stands by its products. So, you may wonder why you would ever want to consider repowering. Consider the Jacobsen Greens King IV. Jacobsen has an incredible reputation for being a leading turf maintenance mowers and equipment manufacturer for over 100 years. The company‘s Greens King IV has been one of their best selling vehicles for over a quarter of a century. These mowers, however, will last longer and perform better if their engines are updated to newer models.

The need to innovate and improve performance is well understood by Jacobsen. The company’s newer model Greens King IV has a 16 or 18 horse power Briggs & Stratton Vanguard gas engines. Older models have a 14 or 16 horse power Kohler engines. Improving the engine is important to the long-term life of the mower and to achieve better performance. This is why so many are choosing to repower their landscaping mowers – to give their well-maintained older models more power and extend their life.

Jacobsen Greens King IV is a popular landscaping mower and hauling vehicle manufacturer. As such, there are a variety of repower kits available. There are Briggs & Stratton Vanguard small engines or Kohler small engine rebuild kits available, depending on what engine is currently installed in the GV IV. Diesel models are also great candidates for repower kits. Those landscapers with other mowers brands, something other than a Jacobsen, can easily find a repower kit compatible with their model too.

Where Do I Find A Repower Kit?

Small engine repower or rebuild kits are available from several certified dealers online. When looking for a kit, make sure the one you purchase comes with a warranty that you would expect from the original factory dealer. They are available. This will give you piece of mind and assurance that the quality of your machine will remain intact. After all, repowering a small engine is a step toward improving the value of your mower and extending its life.

~Ben Anton, 2008

How To Break The News Of Divorce To Your Kids

Divorce can be a traumatic experience for your children. No matter how old they are, the divorce will be hard for them to understand and eventually to accept. Some children in fact harbor hopes that their parents will get back together even after several years of living apart.

Many children feel that they are the ones at fault when their parents break up. Although this may seem illogical to adults, children can find associations in the most incongruous of things. As often attested by revelations during therapy, children often feel that they could have done something to prevent the break-up in the family. There are those “what ifs” and “could have beens.” If they were good and obedient children, would they have prevented the split? If they did not get into trouble in school, would their parents stay together?

One of the crucial moments that parents should take note of and prepare themselves is the way that they will break the news to their children. Although explaining it properly will not necessarily lessen the pain of knowing that their parents will be splitting up but at least a proper explanation will help prevent misunderstandings especially in what caused the break up in the first place.

Remember that young children are very impressionable. Everything that you do, whether you want them to see or not, can mean something. It is important that you tell them what’s going on to avoid misrepresentations.

Below are some tips on how to break the news of the divorce to your kids.

Never make them feel that they have to choose.

Divorce is a traumatic experience as it is without asking the children to choose sides. This will put them right in the middle of marital trouble. This is not fair because the kids are not really part of the problems that you and your partner are having. Pressuring them to judge who is right and wrong can worsen the trauma that they will be experiencing.

Still, during custody battles, choosing sides cannot be avoided. Although in some cases, especially if the children are a bit older, they are asked to choose which parents they would rather live with.

Never badmouth your partner

Remember that whatever happens, your partner is still a part of their lives, someone who they need to respect and love. Whatever troubles that you have in your relationship should not affect the children in any way. As long as your partner is doing his best to provide for the kids and is a good father, there is no need for them to know what a rotten person he can be sometimes.

Explain clearly.

Although your children will not necessarily understand completely what is going on, there is no need to create fantastical explanations. Just tell them the truth, that you are going to start living apart and they may have to live with each of you separately or live with one parent for the rest of their lives.

Consider their feelings and try to talk to them about it Divorce can be painful for the couple as they are the ones directly involved but you must remember that kids are very vulnerable and they are not as resilient as adults.

It is not enough that you tell them what’s going on. You also have to ask them what their feelings are about what happened. This way, you are able to address their fears and insecurities right then and there.

As mentioned before, kids often feel that it is their fault that their parents are breaking up. You have to reassure them that this is not true and they were not in any way at fault.

Tell them that it’s ok for them to talk to you about it.

Children will have questions about what happened. They might not be able to verbalize it just yet but they will eventually reveal what bothers them about the situation. Encourage them to come and talk to you if they have additional questions. Tell them that it’s ok for them to tell you how they feel and they will be very much welcome to ask you anything they want. Keeping the communications line open will help ease the tension and clear up a lot of potential sources of misunderstandings.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

How To Tell If Someone Is Lying

How to tell if someone is lying? Carefully. All methods of lie-detecting, including polygraph machines, are regularly fooled or used improperly, resulting in mistakes. There are a few good ways described here, but try to confirm the truth by other means as well, such as confession or investigation of the facts.

You should compare behavior in the person under suspicion to their "base" behavior, if possible. In other words, if they always have shifty eyes, then this trait can't be considered as an indication of lying. On the other hand, if they are normally very calm under pressure, but start shifting in their chair after certain questions, that may indicate lying. Because all techniques fail at times, you should use several indications before assuming the person has lied.

How To Tell If Someone Is Lying By Testing Responses

One way to test for lying, is to measure a persons desire to avoid a subject, which will sometimes indicate dishonesty or guilt. If you think the person is lying, change the subject quickly. A lying person will often go along easily, and may even visibly relax. An innocent person is more likely to be slightly confused by the change and want to finish their thoughts.

Another lie detecting technique is to suggest something that would make a guilty person feel uncomfortable and watch for a response. Suppose your wife Jane says she was at her mother's house, and you think she is lying. Rather than saying, "I'm calling your mother to verify this," you could use a subtle approach. You might say, "That reminds me, I'm going to stop by your mother's house today to fix that door for her."

If your wife was lying, the idea of you seeing her mother should make her nervous. She may give you reasons why you shouldn't go there. Of course, if your relationship has reached the point where you feel the necessity to resort to these techniques, a simple lie may not be the worst of your problems. Still, sometimes you need to know, so here are a few more ways to tell if someone is lying.

They are using your words. Using your exact words to respond can be an indication of lying. You say, for example, "Did you leave this here?" and they respond, "No, I did not leave this here."

They use un-contracted words. A lack of contractions is more common when lying. For example, instead of saying "I didn't sleep with her," a man might say," I did not have sexual relations with that woman." Again, compare to base behavior, though, as some people may not use contractions often anyhow.

Over-compensation. Often when people lie, they try too hard to be natural, and they give more detail than is necessary.

Forced smiles. A real smile involves more muscles, while a forced smile will use just the muscles around the mouth. The lie here may only be about their feelings, of course.

Let them talk. The more a person talks, the more likely you are to catch them in a lie (if they are being dishonest), especially when you learn the indications to watch for. These are just a few of the ways how to tell if someone is lying.

Nature VS Nurture Theories of Personality in 21st Century

Nature vs Nurture theories have wasted a lot of energy of human beings. Plato is considered first to realize that you are made of not only flesh but also an intellectual soul.

The issue may be much older…

In Greek Mythology, when gods created man, they endowed him with divinity. However, the man started challenging them. They feared his potentials and decided to deprive him of the might.

“Where to hide the divinity?” was the big question

They considered heights of icy mountains, limits of shining stars and pits of the earth. But every place was accessible to man’s capabilities.

Then they decided to hide it within the man himself.

Since then the man has been climbing icy mountains. He has navigated deep seas. He has traversed moon. His machines have even touched Mars. But he is still looking for his ‘lost paradise’.

Man, it is inside you!

They call it personality now. It is ‘scientific’ to ask how it comes into being. Is it inheritable? Is it natural? Is it outcome of environment? Have you any will to change your behaviors or you are bound to follow the dictates?

Nature vs Nurture theories focus upon these issues. The new discoveries in genome and quantum physics have revived the debate. Incidentally, more they discover, more they bewilder. The abstraction continues intensifying.

How to Define Nature VS Nurture Theories

There are three distinctive schools of thought.

1- Personality is Natural:

This group believes that your personality is result of evolutionary process. You inherit behaviors due to complex interaction of genes. They control your behaviors. So you don’t have a free will to act otherwise.

2- Personality is Nurtured:

This group argues that you don’t get your personality inherited. Your mind is a blank slate at your birth. It is your environment, education and culture that make up your behaviors. There are differences on the issue of ‘free will’ to change your behaviors.

3- Personality is Spiritual:

This group claims that your personality is result of neither nature nor nurture. It is gift of some deity. They are split on the issue of ‘free will’.

Nature VS Nurture Theories and Evolutionary Psychology

Darwin’s theory of evolution led William Hamilton, George Williams and many others to the idea of personality evolution. They proposed that like physical organs, your personality is result of natural selection for survival of the fittest. You do as your genes dictate.

They suggest that fear of death, fear of injury, fear of snakes, shyness, addiction, criminality and sexual orientation are main examples of inheritable behaviors. Steven Pinker (2004) includes religiousness, liberalism and conservativeness in the list. William Paley considers cognitive capabilities, temperaments and cheating behaviors inheritable.

However, there is strong criticism on this approach.

1- There is no single universal behavior which can be proved evolutionary. Even fear of death, that seems natural to all, is overridden in crusades, suicides and suicide bombings.

2- You are made of 25,000 to 30,000 genes. They are merely twice to the number in a fruit fly. Chimpanzees share 95% of your genetic characteristics. However, they don’t share even 10% of your behaviors.

3- People don’t differ in behaviors as they do differ in skin pigments. Extroverts, introverts, optimists, pessimists, criminals, liberals etc are found in all societies and cultures. Even identical twins (with 100% similar genes) and fraternal twins (with 50% similar genes) behave differently in most of the cases.

4- No genome scientist has related genes or a set of genes with any kind of behaviors.

5- There are a good number of living organisms and fossils which suggest intermediary stages to the physical evolution. However, no such intermediary stages are available for personality evolution.

Nature VS Nurture Theories and Physics

The discoveries in physics have always provided new meat to the nature vs nurture theories. The conclusions of Newton and Einstein helped the people to believe that future events can be predicted with the help of true knowledge of matter and natural laws. This led psychologists to suggest that your future behaviors can be predetermined. The whole mechanism of psychometrics follows this hypothesis.

However, quantum physics has changed the situation altogether. Evidence proves that you can’t make two (almost) simultaneous measurements of observables correctly. For example:

1- Position and momentum of a particle

2- Position and direction of a particle

3- Time and frequency of a sound wave

4- Wavelength and magnitude of a sound wave

The list goes on…

The quantum physics has shaken determinism. So much so the scientists have to devise “Heisenberg uncertainty principle” which challenges that any physical event can be predicted precisely in time and space.

Do you think that particles are too small to affect big events?

Reconsider it.

What would happen if Hitler had died in his young age of cancer, which can occur with a slight genetic mutation?

Nature VS Nurture Theories and Reality

“What was the first cause?” Aristotle had asked centuries before

It has been proved that the universe is not result of infinite series of collaborating causes and events. There was a first event; the big bang just 13.7 billions year ago. What was its cause?

There can be only two answers:

1- There was no preceding cause, or

2- There was a first Causer

When you affirm the first statement, you agree that there might be other events which don’t have preceding causes. The birth of personality is one of them.

However, if you agree with the second statement, then you are siding with the spiritual school of thought.

What About Environment?

It plays very important role in making of your behaviors. However, any behavior that you acquire is amendable. Secondly, it is not only environment that influences you, the vice versa is also true. You can count hundreds of names who influenced their environments, cultures and societies.

The best advice is to believe in your personality. Use your free will to develop and refine your behaviors. Utilize all out capabilities to collect small successes daily to build bigger one in future. Your way of thinking and style of doing shall determine your destination.

Meanwhile, let the counsels of nature vs nurture theories to continue with their confusing debates.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Easy Science Fair Porjects - Great Topics

What to do and what is the easiest science fair project? Picking a topic for easy science fair projects is a huge deal for a kid, no matter what the age. There are so many different topics and ideas for all grades; you can find a great one for any child, with almost any interest!

When thinking about easy science fair projects, take into consideration your child's interests, does he or she love birds, or hate them?

Science fair projects are easy If your child loves the topic so if your budding young scientist loves the outdoors, hiking, camping, and nature, then you might want to consider projects that relate to that. "What is Lightening" is often fun for the child whose imagination is often captured during thunder storms. Depending on the time of year, your child could build his or her own snow gauge and use it. Making a barometer is often a favorite, too.

For older children it is a bit harder. Learning about the body and how it works is something that a lot of children like to do, considering at that age many aspire to be doctors or nurses - learning about the cardiovascular system is educational, and making a scale model of a heart can be tons of fun. Also, learning about blood and studying blood related diseases is very popular, you just might surprise yourself and find that it is in fact easier that you think.

For the little computer whiz in the family, there are hundreds of easy science fair projects that tailor to their interests. In most large bookstores there is a section on building your own robot, and some are rather cheap (The robot, not the books. Although if you shop around you might find that the books are cheap too). A small, electronic gadget that your child has made is something that they will always have, and it will help build confidence in them that they can do something important, involving what they love.

A classic, but still a fun and easy activity, is making a model of the solar system using fruit - orange for the sun, apple for Mars, etc. The local library would have tons of information on this subject - just make sure there is no Pluto, who is not considered a planet anymore, but a piece of something that got caught in our solar systems gravitational field.

Projects with magnets are a favourite - making your own magnet is a very inexpensive and simple project that looks impressive. Your child could study the effects that magnets have on seedlings and their growth, or on healing.

As a parent, I am sure you want to help your child as much as possible to complete their science project - but remember that it is their project, and it is not your place to do their work for them, no matter how much you might want to.

Magnets In The St. Louis Schools

Just like any other big city the St. Louis Schools in Missouri have some challenges in educating the city’s youngest population. Religious and private schools are an option for many. The public St. Louis Public Schools don’t have the best reputation. Charter schools and magnet schools are both alternatives to the traditional model of St. Louis Schools.

St. Louis Schools offer charters, independently run institutions, as one version of school choice. The problem with charter schools anywhere is that you never know what you’re going to get. Various local and national organizations run charter schools, and their success rates have been all over the board. I’d recommend that any parent looking at a charter in the St. Louis Schools only do so if it already has a good success rate, or you know families who are happy with it.

How are Magnet Schools Different from Charter Schools?

St. Louis Schools also has a wide spread magnet program. A magnet school is one with a specific focus like math and science, or language immersion. It’s common for a magnet school to be housed inside a larger school, but they can also be independent. Unlike a charter school, a St. Louis Schools magnet is fully part of the public education system and must abide by all the same rules. While this does mean some consistency, it also means some challenges.

The other difference is that students are accepted in a St. Louis Schools magnet by a lottery system. There are some groups that get preferences: continuity with another school, siblings who attend, and neighborhood kids are the top three. This can cause some problems as students clamor to get into the most popular St. Louis Schools magnet programs.

One of the biggest benefits to the St. Louis Schools magnet programs is that you tend to get a high level of parent involvement because parents have to take action to get their children into these programs. If a parent really wants his or her child in a Montessori or Arts magnet, they’re more likely to be involved once the child is enrolled.

Now this can be a sticky point with St. Louis Schools magnet programs. The reasons that magnets were developed were to encourage desegregation by luring better educated families into inner-city schools. So a lot of the St. Louis Schools magnets aren’t in the best locations. But many parents decide that the program offered is important enough to make the commitment. Usually neighborhood students have the options to attend the magnet in their area. But the magnet system has caused some controversy as far as who gets into what school.

Overall, I think the St. Louis Schools magnet system is a great piece of the educational picture. I would encourage parents to look at programs like the athletic magnet aimed at middle school students, the engineering program, and the international studies magnet. This is a good way to introduce a child to a specific skill set that will set him or her apart from peers in future years. And despite the struggles of the St. Louis Schools, the magnets are generally well run, and worth looking into.

Playing The Game: The Future Of Animation And Game Design

The popularity of video games is a staple of our culture and appears as though it's going to stay. From the different genres of video games to the complex stories and character developments, video games have become an entity that spans generations of gamers. For many, it is an escape into a new world of fantasy and adventure. As a result, it is no wonder why so many high school and college graduates are going into the field of animation and game design. Several colleges offer courses and programs related to learning how to create video games. The video game industry is a growing, multi-billion dollar field and many of the college graduates want to get their hands on the controller.

The increasing demand for more games with better stories and more life-like graphics has been on the minds of serious gamers for years. There is no satisfying the serious gamer because the graphics continue to get better every year and the stories tend to get more interesting, too. Therefore, the video game players expect more every time. This is why colleges are now offering courses in animation and game design. They see the prevalence of video games in our culture and the people who want to build and design these games.

But the programs and courses that deal with animation and game design are not only about drawing and how to create a video game. Creating a game that is both playable and sellable is not an easy task. Basic classes for those who begin in animation and game design deal with topics such as artistic terminology and artistic theory. From there, a student can expect to enter classes in which they generate ideas and concepts for their particular video game. There is also an additional course dealing with presenting your idea to a video game company.

If you decide to go into the field of animation and game design, you can also expect to take some more educationally geared courses. There are some that deal with the history of video games along with other courses that teach the demographic makeup of who plays certain games. You may also be required to do reviews of games and learn about the nuances of the different gaming genres. But success in these classes will inevitably lead to more enticing topics such as artificial intelligence and prototyping your game. For the avid video game player, taking these courses may make the game-playing experience a more interesting one as he thinks about the intricacies of every move made on the screen. For others, however, these courses may serve to only ruin the mystery that they have associated with playing video games.

The field of animation and game design is not, as the name implies, all fun and games. In fact, it is the opposite. There is a lot of hard work that goes into designing these elaborate games. From conception to the store shelves, many experts have contributed something to its success or, consequently, its failure. Learning the techniques of being a successful video game creator is much like learning how to play an instrument. You have to learn note by note, then chord by chord before you can even think about learning how to play a song. That is the same thing with this lucrative field. You can be a gamer your entire life but, other than the occasional game idea, your gaming skills are irrelevant when it comes to creating a game. By completing the animation and game design program, you will see and appreciate where the growth and direction of the animation and gaming industry is headed.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Organized Tool Box

Are you always digging around for the right tool? Hammers abound, but why are the flat-edge screwdrivers always missing? Wouldn’t it be great to have everything in an easy-to-find space? Here are some steps and tips to get you on your way.

Step 1: Inventory.

First, start by gathering all your tools. Make a list of the locations where you found your tools. Garage, kitchen, basement, car, truck? Lay them all out on a bedsheet or blanket. Sort them by type to get an idea of how many different kinds of tools you have.

Next, examine each tool and decide what to keep.

• Is it a duplicate? If so, how many of this tool do I need?
• Have I ever used it? Some tools passed down thru the family should be kept for sentimental reasons, but others that you’ve never used can surely go.
• Is it broken? If it isn’t usable and can’t be repaired then discard it.
• Have I replaced it with a multi-purpose tool that does the job more efficiently?
• Does a neighbor have a better version that I usually borrow?

Toss out the broken tools, sell the good ones on eBay, get a tax break by donating to a local charitable organization, have a “yard sale for men” or help a favorite college grad begin their first tool box. Only keep the tools you are sure to use in the future.

Step 2: Make a Plan.

Using your list of locations from step 1, think about how and where you use your tools. You may decide to centralize your tools in the garage or basement. Begin sorting your tool collection into groups according to their desired location. This will help you to determine the storage space requirements for each area.

Step 3: Choose your Tool Storage System.

The internet is a great tool for finding the latest tool storage solutions. Portable tool boxes are great for on-the-go types to keep in their car or truck. Behind-the-wheel tool boxes for pickup trucks are a great way to take advantage of unused truck bed space. If you have a ton of small parts, you may consider some plastic storage cabinets with sliding drawers. Pegboards work nicely in the garage or basement workspace to keep tools handy and off the countertops. Maybe you need some new shelving to store larger-sized tools.

Step 4: Implement your new Tool Storage System.

If you’ve ordered a new tool box or some other item, then when it arrives begin to place your tools in order. Once you’ve got everything in its place, remember to always take the extra time to put items away when they are done being used. If you’ve added a pegboard, consider drawing an outline around each tool as it hangs on the pegboard to make it easier to know where to return the tool.

Get motivated—you’ll be glad you did. Once you’re organized, maybe you’ll even have space to buy some new tools!

The Organized Tool Box

Are you always digging around for the right tool? Hammers abound, but why are the flat-edge screwdrivers always missing? Wouldn’t it be great to have everything in an easy-to-find space? Here are some steps and tips to get you on your way.

Step 1: Inventory.

First, start by gathering all your tools. Make a list of the locations where you found your tools. Garage, kitchen, basement, car, truck? Lay them all out on a bedsheet or blanket. Sort them by type to get an idea of how many different kinds of tools you have.

Next, examine each tool and decide what to keep.

• Is it a duplicate? If so, how many of this tool do I need?
• Have I ever used it? Some tools passed down thru the family should be kept for sentimental reasons, but others that you’ve never used can surely go.
• Is it broken? If it isn’t usable and can’t be repaired then discard it.
• Have I replaced it with a multi-purpose tool that does the job more efficiently?
• Does a neighbor have a better version that I usually borrow?

Toss out the broken tools, sell the good ones on eBay, get a tax break by donating to a local charitable organization, have a “yard sale for men” or help a favorite college grad begin their first tool box. Only keep the tools you are sure to use in the future.

Step 2: Make a Plan.

Using your list of locations from step 1, think about how and where you use your tools. You may decide to centralize your tools in the garage or basement. Begin sorting your tool collection into groups according to their desired location. This will help you to determine the storage space requirements for each area.

Step 3: Choose your Tool Storage System.

The internet is a great tool for finding the latest tool storage solutions. Portable tool boxes are great for on-the-go types to keep in their car or truck. Behind-the-wheel tool boxes for pickup trucks are a great way to take advantage of unused truck bed space. If you have a ton of small parts, you may consider some plastic storage cabinets with sliding drawers. Pegboards work nicely in the garage or basement workspace to keep tools handy and off the countertops. Maybe you need some new shelving to store larger-sized tools.

Step 4: Implement your new Tool Storage System.

If you’ve ordered a new tool box or some other item, then when it arrives begin to place your tools in order. Once you’ve got everything in its place, remember to always take the extra time to put items away when they are done being used. If you’ve added a pegboard, consider drawing an outline around each tool as it hangs on the pegboard to make it easier to know where to return the tool.

Get motivated—you’ll be glad you did. Once you’re organized, maybe you’ll even have space to buy some new tools!

The Clutter Queen

If you are looking to attract positive change and seriously move stale energy out, start with your neglected clutter. Getting rid of all the things you are not using will create space for new energy and movement.

I’m a firm believer that

* if it doesn’t work…
* if you can’t remember when you last used it....or…
* if it doesn’t make you feel good …then…


Now, I know… sounds easy doesn’t it? Then why do we all have so much clutter?

Here are some tips and techniques that have worked for me to move unused items from my life.

You see I’ve tested them on my own personal clutter and I know they work. First you will need some bankers boxes (you can get these anywhere you purchase office supplies). Bankers boxes work the best because they have lids and are stackable. And a hand-held recorder (you can get one cheaply at any electronics department).

Here’s what you do to quickly eliminate your clutter:

(1) Label the boxes anyway you like …maybe with a letter (A, B, C etc) or with a color, green, red, orange……

(2) Go around and start putting your dear clutter in the boxes while recording the contents with your recorder. (You can do this little by little whenever you have a spare few minutes).

(3) When the boxes are full, stack them neatly in a closet, garage, attic, etc….anywhere where they are out of sight.

(4) When you have a little time, sit down, play back the recorder and transfer the information to a spreadsheet, word document, index cards or whatever system works best for you. (By indexing you can easily find and retrieve anything you might have mistakenly filed away). Simply look the object up in the index to find the appropriate box and go get it! It’s that easy!

(5) After a time, if you find you really don’t need all the things you have stored, You can donate usable items to your favorite charitable organization. You can have a garage sale and make some cash, or You can make money by starting your own on-line store on eBay And...

You can have fun by giving your clutter a second life!

A good rule of thumb is

“If you have not used it or thought about it in a year then you probably don’t need it and you can let it go”

The great thing about this process is that it overcomes the two main obstacles to clearing clutter. First, you may have thrown something away only to realize later that you really needed it. So now you are reluctant to throw anything away. Secondly, you believe that it can take quite a chunk of time to do a really good job of sorting and eliminating your unwanted stuff. In the past, you may have started to get organized only to abandon the effort for want of time and organization and ended up with a bigger mess on your hands.

The Clutter Queen's five step process eliminates these obstacles because the sorting can be done extremely quickly without the possibility of discarding valuables.

Doing these small things is your first step in creating space for new, exciting ideas and energy.

Get ready for an abundance of fresh ideas and energy to enhance your living!

Shirley Anderson

Minna Street Creations

Friday, April 9, 2010

Sweet and Simple Reduced-Sugar Treats

For some families, Grandmother's warm apple pie or Aunt Jean's chocolate chip cookies are traditions without which family meals are not complete. But this season, Americans may be taking a different route to a great-tasting dessert.

Now, it is easier than ever before to cook and bake reduced-sugar treats by using the all-new SPLENDA® Brown Sugar Blend - a mix of brown sugar and Splenda Brand Sweetener - great for those looking to lower their sugar intake without sacrificing taste. Splenda Brown Sugar Blend can be used almost anywhere brown sugar is used because it retains its sweetness under high temperatures with a great molasses flavor and moistness.


(Makes 30 bars)

Preparation time: 15 to 20


Bake time: 30 minutes


1/4 cup unsalted butter,


1/2 cup Splenda Brown Sugar Blend, firmly packed

1 egg yolk

1 cup all-purpose flour

1/4 teaspoon salt


1/4 cup unsalted butter, softened

1 cup Splenda Brown Sugar

Blend, firmly packed

1/2 cup light corn syrup

1/2 cup evaporated milk

1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract


3 (1-ounce) squares unsweetened chocolate, chopped

2 tablespoons Splenda Brown

Sugar Blend

1 cup chopped pecans, toasted


Preheat oven to 350 F. Lightly spray a 13-by-9-by-2-inch baking pan with vegetable cooking spray.

Beat 1/4 cup butter and 1/2 cup Splenda Brown Sugar Blend at medium speed with an electric mixer until blended. Add egg yolk, beating until blended. Add flour and salt; beat on low speed until blended. Press mixture into bottom of prepared pan.

Bake crust 12 to 14 minutes or until golden. Cool in pan on a wire rack.


Combine butter, Splenda Brown Sugar Blend, corn syrup, evaporated milk and vanilla extract in a medium saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until Splenda Brown Sugar Blend dissolves. Bring mixture to a boil over medium heat and cook until candy thermometer reaches 265 degrees (about 10 minutes). Pour mixture over crust and spread evenly. Bake 10 additional minutes. Cool 5 minutes on a wire rack.


Combine chocolate squares and Splenda Brown Sugar Blend in the top of a double boiler; bring water to a boil. Cook until chocolate melts and mixture is blended. Drizzle over toffee. Sprinkle with chopped pecans. Cool completely on wire rack. When chocolate is firm, cut into bars or diamond shapes. Store in an airtight container.

Nutrition information per serving (serving size: 1 square):150 calories, 70 calories from fat, 8 g total fat, 3 g saturated fat, 15 mg cholesterol, 30 mg sodium, 20 g total carbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 15 g sugars, 2 g protein.

Dietary exchanges: 1 1/2 starch, 1 fat.

This recipe, when compared to the traditional recipe, has a 22 percent reduction in calories, a 34 percent reduction in carbohydrates and a 40 percent reduction in sugars, making it a perfect choice for the whole family. - NU